Essentials of Glaucoma Therapy
From Kahook's Essentials Of Glaucoma Therapy
- Fundamentals of Glaucoma
- Introduction to Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Pseudoexfoliation (KEOGT Team)
- Pigment Dispersion Syndrome and Pigmentary Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Lens Induced Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Low Tension Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Glaucoma Associated with Intraocular Tumors (KEOGT Team)
- Fuchs’ Heterochromic Iridocyclitis (KEOGT Team)
- Angle Recession Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Uveitis-Glaucoma-Hyphema Syndrome (KEOGT Team)
- Pseudophakic Pupillary Block (KEOGT Team)
- Traumatic Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- 24 Hour IOP (KEOGT Team)
- Glaucomatocyclitic Crisis (KEOGT Team)
- Neovascular Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Iridocorneal Endothelial (ICE) Syndrome (KEOGT Team)
- Ophthalmology, Artificial Intelligence and Oculomics: A beginner's guide to general concepts (KEOGT Team)
- Malignant Glaucoma (KEOGT Team)
- Plateau Iris Syndrome (KEOGT Team)
- Long Anterior Zonules (KEOGT Team)
- Diagnostic Testing of Glaucoma
- Visual Field Testing (Diane Siegel, Malik Y. Kahook, Monica K. Ertel, Leonard K. Seibold, Cara E. Capitena Young)
- Diagnostic Imaging Modalities (KEOGT Team)
- Gonioscopy (KEOGT Team)
- Medical Management of Glaucoma
- Intraocular Pressure Lowering Medications (Deitz GA, Capitena Young C, SooHoo JR, Ertel MK, Seibold LK, Kahook MY)
- Introduction to Basic Concepts of Glaucoma Surgery
- The Surgical Decision-Making Process (Kathryn L. Pepple, MD, PhD; R. Rand Allingham, MD)
- Surgical Anatomy (David Fleischman, MD; John P. Berdahl, MD)
- Wound Modulation After Filtration Surgery (Leonard K. Seibold, MD; Malik Y. Kahook, MD)
- Trabeculectomy
- Trabeculectomy Surgery: Decision Making and Technique (Marcos Reyes, MD; James A. Fox, MD; Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD)
- Trabeculectomy: Management of Postoperative Complications (Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD)
- Glaucoma Drainage Device Implantation
- Preoperative Evaluation for Glaucoma Drainage Device Surgery (Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS)
- Types of Glaucoma Drainage Implants (originally authored by Jeffrey M. Zink, MD with subsequent edits by the KEOGT Team)
- Standard Technique for Implanting Glaucoma Drainage Devices (Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS)
- Location of Glaucoma Drainage Implants and Tubes (Gabriel T. Chong, MD; Richard K. Lee, MD, PhD)
- Use of Antimetabolites With Tube Shunt Surgery (Anup K. Khatana, MD)
- Considerations on Day of Glaucoma Drainage Implant Surgery (Jeffrey M. Zink, MD)
- Postoperative Management of Glaucoma Drainage Implants (Jeffrey M. Zink, MD)
- Glaucoma Drainage Devices: Management of Intraoperative and Postoperative Complications (Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD and the KEOGT Team)
- Glaucoma Surgery Combined With Cataract Extraction
- Cataract Surgery and Intraocular Pressure (John P. Berdahl, MD; Thomas W. Samuelson, MD)
- Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation (Steven R. Sarkisian Jr, MD with subsequent edits from the KEOGT Team)
- Combined Phacoemulsification and Trabectome (Michael B. Horsley, MD; Douglas J. Rhee, MD)
- Glaucoma Filtration Surgery Combined With Cataract Extraction (Matthew Rouse, MD; Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD)
- Canaloplasty Combined With Cataract Extraction (Ben J. Harvey, MD; Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD)
- Cataract Extraction Plus iStent (Originally authored by John P. Berdahl, MD -- subsequent edits by the KEOGT Team)
- Goniotomy With or Without Cataract Extraction in Adults (KEOGT Team)
- Lasers
- Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty (Elizabeth T. Viriya, MD; Joseph R. Zelefsky, MD)
- Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (Subsequent edits by the KEOGT Team; Original Authors Denise A. John, MD, FRCSC and Jennifer Somers Weizer, MD)
- Comparison of Argon Laser Trabeculoplasty and Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (Fiorella Saponara, MD; Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS)
- Laser Peripheral Iridotomy (Christopher K. S. Leung, MD and KEOGT Team)
- Argon Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty (Clement C. Y. Tham, FRCS(Glasgow); FCOphth(HK); Dennis S. C. Lam, MD(HK); FRCS(Edin); FRCOphth(UK); Robert Ritch, MD)
- Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (KEOGT TEAM)
- Endocyclophotocoagulation (Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD; Malik Y. Kahook, MD)
- Less Common Surgeries
- Surgical Iridectomy (Stephen P. Verb, MD, MHSA; Nauman Imami, MD, MHSA)
- Repair of Cyclodialysis Clefts (Amy Badger-Asaravala, MD; Robert Stamper, MD)
- Drainage of Choroidal Effusions (Leon W. Herndon, MD)
- Congenital and Pediatric Glaucoma: Goniotomy and Trabeculotomy (Danielle M. Ledoux, MD; Suzanne Jognston, MD; David S. Walton, MD)
- Goniosynechialysis (KEOGT Team)
- Surgical Management of Complicated Glaucomas
- Surgical Management of Neovascular Glaucoma (Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD)
- Surgical Management of Uveitic Glaucoma (Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery in the Nanophthalmic Eye (Tiffany N. Szymarek, MD; Sayoko E. Moroi, MD, PhD; Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery in Aniridia Patients (Jeffrey M. Zink, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery in Corneal Transplant Patients (Preeya K. Gupta, MD; John P. Berdahl, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery in the Keratoprosthesis Patient (Jeffrey M. Zink, MD)
- Concomitant Glaucoma Drainage Devices and Corneal Transplantation (Preeya K. Gupta, MD; John P. Berdahl, MD)
- Glaucoma Drainage Device Implantation Combined With Pars Plana Vitrectomy (Jonathan A. Eisengart, MD)
- Novel Approaches
- Ex-Press Glaucoma Filtration Device (Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD; Malik Y. Kahook, MD)
- Canaloplasty (Mahmoud A. Khaimi, MD)
- Suprachoroidal Devices (Originally authored by Sarwat Salim, MD, FACS -- subsequent edits by the KEOGT Team)
- Surgical Trials and Regulatory Insights
- Review of Glaucoma Surgery Clinical Trials (Travis C. Rumery, DO; David C. Musch, PhD, MPH; Joshua D. Stein, MD, MS)
- United States Food and Drug Administration Regulation of Ophthalmic Devices (R. Lee Kramm, MD; Malvina B. Eydelman, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery in Resource-Poor Settings (Nathan Congdon, MD, MPH)
- Perspectives on Surgery From the Experts
- Are You Still Withholding the "Trabeculectomy Cure"? (David L. Epstein, MD, MMM)
- Glaucoma Surgical Innovation Nearing the Tipping Point (Thomas W. Samuelson, MD)
- Glaucoma Surgery: A Paradox (Richard A. Lewis, MD)
- Future of Glaucoma (Ramesh S. Ayyala, MD, FRCS, FRCOphth)
- Glaucoma Surgery: Where We Started and Where We Are Going (Marlene R. Moster, MD)
- Progress in Surgery for Glaucoma (Robert D. Fechtner, MD)
- Looking at Glaucoma Surgery (Joel S. Schuman, MD, FACS)
- Appendix A
- Surgical Supplies, Instruments, and Implants for the Operating Room (Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD)
- Appendix B
- Appendix C
- Informed Consent In Glaucoma Surgery (Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD)
- Appendix D
- Surgical Dictation Examples (Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD; Anna-Maria Demetriades, MD)
- Appendix E
- Commonly Used Laser Settings (Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD)