Kahook's Essentials of Glaucoma Therapy (KEOGT) will be an active and constantly evolving project that is focused on providing education for both trainees as well as experienced eye care professional. Our intention is to create a reference that provides an introduction to the basics of eye care while also introducing pearls for practice that have been collectively learned by the authors. The text is currently divided into sections that cover the “bread and butter” of glaucoma surgery including basic anatomy, trabeculectomy, glaucoma drainage device implants, and combined procedures. As KEOGT evolves, section will be added on glaucoma medical therapy and diagnostics. We also focus entire sections on how to handle complications of glaucoma surgery, as well as the basics of novel approaches recently introduced to our practice. There are specific sections that deal with clinical trials as well as the regulatory pathway for ophthalmic surgical devices. We are particularly excited about the essays from senior surgeons who share their experience and insights (past, present, and future) regarding the art of treating glaucoma patients. While these essays were originally included in the textbook Essentials of Glaucoma Surgery in 2012-2013, the teaching are still relevant to today's practicing eye care professionals.
It is our hope that the reader will learn from this text and expand their clinical and surgical skills based on the insights provided. Moreover, it is our sincere desire that reading Kahook's Essentials of Glaucoma Therapy results in as much enjoyment as we have experienced and continue to experience in bringing this project form idea to reality!